Synonymy - Corbicula fluminea (Asian Freshwater Clam) was described as Tellina by Muller (1774) and later referred to Venus by Chemnitz (1784); to Cyrena by Philippi (1849) and to Corbicula by Deshayes (1854). References are given by Morton (1986). The species name 'manilensis', given by Philippi in 1849, is widely used in older American literature. The correct nomenclature of Corbicula in the United States and Asia appears to be still a matter of dispute. Morton (1986) reviewed the status of the group in Asia and concluded that although 69 species had been described, only two were valid, C. fluminea (=manilensis) and C. fluminalis (=japonica). The latter is more tolerant of brackish water (to 70% seawater; ~ 25 ppt) (Morton and Tong 1985; Morton 1986). According to many authors, only C. fluminea has been introduced to North America (Counts 1986; Counts 1991; McMahon 1983). However, Corbicula in the United States has considerable variability in morphological and life history, which has caused people to suggest multiple introductions, and perhaps more than one species (Mcleod 1986; Hoagland 1986). Despite this variability, genetic studies indicate a very limited range of genetic variation (McMahon 1983). The limited extent of estuarine invasions in Atlantic drainages suggests that the introduced species here is probably C. fluminea.
Kingdom | Phylum | Class | Order | Family | Genus |
Animalia | Mollusca | Bivalvia | Veneroida | Corbiculidae | Corbicula |
Invasion History
Chesapeake Bay Status
First Record | Population | Range | Introduction | Residency | Source Region | Native Region | Vectors |
1971 | Established | Expanding | Introduced | Regular Resident | North America | East Asia | Shipping(Barge,Ballast Water),Fisheries(Discarded Bait |
History of Spread
Corbicula fluminea (Asian Freshwater Clam) is native to Asia, including Indonesia and the Phillipines and probably also to Africa and Australia (Counts 1986; McMahon 1983). It is believed to have been introduced to western North America from Asia before 1924. The likeliest vector was the transport of clams as a potential food item by Chinese immigrants (Counts 1986; McMahon 1983). Its spread across North America was rapid, and perhaps indicates multiple introductions (McMahon 1983). North American records are summarized below:
Pacific Drainages - Corbicula fluminea was first collected on the Pacific Coast in the Nanaimo River, on Vancouver Island (British Columbia). In 1938, it was collected in the Columbia River at Knappton, WA (1938) and spread across southern WA eastward into the Snake River, and was widespread in the Columbia Basin by 1969-71. It was first collected in the Sacramento River CA in 1945 and soon spread through Delta region and fresher parts of estuary via canals. C. fluminea reached lower Colorado-Imperial Valley canals by 1953, Phoenix AZ by 1956, and by 1970's had fouled irrigation systems and reservoirs in most of lower Colorado Basin (Counts 1986).
Mississippi and Gulf Drainages - In the Eastern U.S., C. fluminea was first found in the Ohio River at Paducah KY in 1957, and rapidly spread through the Mississippi system, and adjacent rivers. To the east, it was dominant in the Tennesee River by 1969, and moved upstream to Cincinatti (1964). To the west, the Arkansas River; Black & White Rivers in AR were colonized by 1970, Lake Overholser OK by 1969, and Cherry Creek Reservoir, Arapahoe County CO by the 1990s (Nelson and McNabb 1994). Corbicula rapidly moved downstream, reaching LA in the Mississippi by 1962, the Calcasieu River, LA in 1961, and the Escambia River in Century; FL by 1960 (Counts 1986).
Great Lakes -St. Lawrence Drainages - Corbicula fluminea reached Lake Erie in 1978 and Lake Michigan by 1984 (Mills et al. 1993). In 2009, populations of C. fluminea were found in the freshwater portion of tue St. Lawrence River estuary, downstream of the ports of Bécancour and Trois-Rivières, in the thermal plume of a nuclear powerplant (Simard et al. 2012).
Atlantic Drainages- Corbicula fluminea spread rapidly up the Atlantic Coast in the 1970s. It was first collected in Altamaha River, GA (1971), and was abundant by 1974. Many collections to the north were nearly simultaneous: Pee Dee River, Savannah River, and Intracoastal Waterway (1972-76) SC; Catawba River NC (1971); James River, Richmond; VA (1971, probably before 1968); Potomac River, Washington D.C. (1976); Susquehanna Flats, Upper Chesapeake Bay (1975); Delaware River, NJ-PA (1971). Further north, this clam reached the Raritan River NJ in 1982, (Counts 1986); but has not yet not been yet reported from the Hudson River (Mills et al. 1997). However, in 1990, it colonized the tidal Connecticut River at East Haddam CT (Balcom 1994), and in 2001 was found in the Charles River near Boston (USGS Nonindigenous Species Program 2008).
Chesapeake history is summarized in more detail below:
James River - Corbicula fluminea was first recorded in 1971, in tidal fresh river near Richmond; size distribution indicated some shells at least 3 years old (1968). By 1972, it was found over River Miles 45-80 (measured from river mouth) , and the lower Appomattox River (Diaz 1974). By 1976, it comprised ~ 95% of all bivalves in tidal fresh river (Diaz 1994). Further downstream, at Hog Island Point, Surry VA; (0-5 ppt), it was less abundant, except during periods of low salinities (Jordan and Sutton 1984). By 1984, C. fluminea had spread through almost the entire non-tidal James River system, except for a few highly polluted areas (Clarke 1986).
Potomac River - The first record of C. fluminea was in 1977 in the tidal fresh river, but the size distribution suggests that it arrived before 1975. By 1978, it was present from center of Washington; River Mile 95 to River Mile 84.5 at mouth of Piscataway Creek, and by 1979, it was causing problems in Potomac Electric Company plants, Alexandria (Dresler and Cory 1980). C. fluminea reached a biomass peak in 1984 and declined to about one-eigth of its peak biomass by 1992, but still comprises a substantial biomass and is the dominant mollusc in the tidal fresh Potomac (Phelps 1994). A 'large population' occurs at Whites Ferry MD in nontidal river (~40 km upstream of Washington D.C., 1981) (Kennedy and Huekelem 1985) and the clam now occurs throughout the entire drainage (Taylor 1985).
Upper Bay and Drainages - The first record of C. fluminea was in 1977 at Susquehanna Flats, but it probably arrived by 1975, and is now present from Havre de Grace to Turkey Point (Counts 1986).
Susquehanna River - C. fluminea was first collected in the Susquehanna River at Conowingo Dam, in 1980, but was not found above the dam (Counts 1986; Nichols and Dommermuth 1981). By 1984, it was found above the dam, and by 2001 C. fluminea had colonized the North Branch of the Susquehanna in PA and was now present along at least 135 river miles (217 km) of the Susquehanna in PA (Mangan 2002).
Eastern Shore Drainages - C. fluminea was collected in the Wicomico River at Salisbury by 1981 (Counts 1986), and by 1985 was present in Nanticoke and Pocomoke River systems (Counts 1986; Kennedy and Huekelem 1985).
Delaware River - The first records of C. fluminea were in 1972; between Philadelphia PA and Trenton NJ; the largest individuals were ~2 years old (Fuller and Powell 1973).
Corbicula fluminea is now widespread in Europe (Den Hartog et al. 1992), and in South America, reaching Patagonia in the south (Cazzaniga 1997).
History References - Balcom 1994; Cazzaniga 1997; Clarke 1986; Counts 1986; Den Hartog et al. 1992; Diaz 1974; Diaz 1994; Dresler and Cory 1980; Fuller and Powell 1973; Jordan and Sutton 1984; Kennedy and Hukelem 1985; Mangan 2002; McMahon 1983; Mills et al. 1993; Mills et al. 1997; Nelson and McNabb 1994; Nichols and Donnermuth 1981; Phelps 1994; Taylor 1985
Invasion Comments
Vector(s) of Introduction- Transport with barge, yacht, or dredge traffic through the Intracoastal Waterway is a plausible mechanism of transport for the rapid spread of C. fluminea up the East Coast to the Chespeake Bay (Counts 1986).
Environmental Tolerances
For Survival | For Reproduction | |||
Minimum | Maximum | Minimum | Maximum | |
Temperature (ºC) | 2.0 | 34.0 | 18.0 | 30.0 |
Salinity (‰) | 0.0 | 13.0 | 0.0 | 2.0 |
Oxygen | well-oxygenated | |||
pH | ||||
Salinity Range | fresh-oligo |
Age and Growth
Male | Female | |
Minimum Adult Size (mm) | 8.0 | 13.4 |
Typical Adult Size (mm) | 20.0 | 20.0 |
Maximum Adult Size (mm) | 60.0 | 60.0 |
Maximum Longevity (yrs) | 4.0 | 4.0 |
Typical Longevity (yrs | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Start | Peak | End | |
Reproductive Season | |||
Typical Number of Young Per Reproductive Event |
Sexuality Mode(s) | |||
Mode(s) of Asexual Reproduction |
Fertilization Type(s) | |||
More than One Reproduction Event per Year |
Reproductive Startegy | |||
Egg/Seed Form |
Economic Impacts in Chesapeake Bay
Corbicula fluminea (Asian Freshwater Clam's) impacts on Chespaeake Bay tributaries were diverse and complex, owing to this species' rapid population growth and attainment of large biomasses. Many of its ecological impacts, on water clarity, benthic/pelagic partitioning of biomass, providing a new food resource, etc. have also had economic implications. Here, we focus on more direct economic impacts.
Industry - Corbicula fluminea caused fouling of nuclear and conventional power plants, by clogging water pumps and condensers, including Potomac River Steam Electric Station, Alexandria VA, and the 12th Street Generating Plant, Richmond VA, resulted in reduced efficiency, decreased output, and outages due to time required for cleaning (Diaz 1974; Potter and Liden 1986). C. fluminea also fouled municipal water treatment facilities, and other industrial facilities utilizing water from rivers(McMahon 1983).
Habitat Change - See 'Ecological impacts'.
Aesthetic - Die-offs and strandings due to floods and other causes produce bad odors (McMahon 1983), but C. fluminea grazing can increase water clarity (Cohen et al. 1984; Phelps 1994).
References - Cohen et al. 1984; Diaz 1974; McMahon 1983; Potter and Liden 1986; Phelps 1994
Economic Impacts Outside of Chesapeake Bay
Corbicula fluminea (Asian Freshwater Clam's) impacts on Chespaeake Bay tributaries were diverse and complex, owing to this species' rapid population growth and attainment of large biomasses. Many of its ecological impacts, on water clarity, benthic/pelagic partitioning of biomass, providing a new food resource, etc. have also had economic implications. Here, we concentrate on more direct economic impacts.
Negative impacts noted from different parts of North America include:
Corbicula fluminea caused fouling in irrigation canals including deposition of dead clams and shells, and increased sedimentation rates. This clam also clogged irrigation pipes (Isom 1985); interfered with riverbed gravel-mining operations (Diaz 1974), and fouled gravel aggregate which is used in cement. When cement is poured and begins to set, the clams burrow to the surface, causing the cement to become porous and structurally weakened (McMahon 1983).
Corbicula fluminea caused fouling problems in electric generating plants, and in water treatment and water-filtration plants, as well as many other industrial operations using river water (McMahon 1986). It caused shutdowns of a nuclear generating plant in AR in 1980. Overall costs of Corbicula to the electric power industry probably exceed $1 billion per year (Isom 1986). 'For facilities already in use, biofouling by C. fluminea continues to be an expensive and exasperating problem for which there are now no universally accepted remedies'( McMahon 1983).
Likely beneficial uses of C. fluminea include: as a bioassay or bioindicator organism, as a protein and calcium supplement in domestic livestock feeds; as a source of lime for poultry feeds and fertilizers; as a source of live and preserved bivalve material for commercial biological suppliers; as a clarifier for tertiary sewage treatment systems, removal of particulate organics (McMahon 1983), or as bait. In 1970, 2.2 million pounds were sold as bait in CA alone, at a value of 234,000 dollars (Isom 1986).
References - Diaz 1974; Isom 1986; McMahon 1983
Ecological Impacts on Chesapeake Native Species
As a rapidly reproducing and spreading filter-feeder, Corbicula fluminea (Asian Freshwater Clam) has had potentially far-reaching effects on foodwebs within the tidal fresh region of estuaries (Phelps 1994), on the export of nutrients and organic material to lower parts of the Bay and sub-estuaries (Cohen et al. 1984), and on migratory birds and fishes feeding or breeding in the tidal freshwater region (Perry 1981; Phelps 1994).
Herbivory - In 1980, the biomass of C. fluminea in the tidal fresh Potomac was estimated to be sufficient to filter all of the phytoplankton of one stretch of the Potomac (Rosier Bluff to Hatton Point MD; River Km 160-165) every 3-4 days (Cohen et al. 1984). Ecological implications of this grazing are discussed below.
Competition - In tidal fresh estuaries of Chesapeake Bay, C. fluminea represented up to 90-95% of the bivalve biomass (Cohen et al. 1984; Diaz 1994), and represented a source of potential competition for food and space with native bivalves. C. fluminea reaches densities, biomasses, reproductive rates, and population filtration rates rarely reached by native molluscs (McMahon 1983). Effects of C. fluminea invasions on native bivalve populations appear to vary. Factors limiting C. fluminea's dominance include its lesser tolerance of extreme temperatures, low oxygen concentrations, and dessication compared to many native species (McMahon 1983). In an SC Coastal Plain stream, C. fluminea appeared to be restricted by substrate preference and was not affecting abundance of the native bivalve Elliptio complanata (Eastern Elliptio) (Leff et al. 1990). Competition for space with the sphaeriid Musculium partumeium (Swamp Fingernailclam) has been noted, and in some cases reductions in native unionid and sphaeriid populations have been noted (McMahon 1983). In the nontidal James River, Corbicula was thought to have virtually eliminated the native unionid Pleurobema collina (James River Spinymussel), which formerly ranged from Richmond to the headwaters and is now confined to a few headwater streams. Abundances of Fusconaia masoni (Atlantic Pigtoe), Alismidonta undulata (Triangle Floater) and Strophitus undulatus (Squawfoot) may have been seriously reduced, but E. complanata appeared to have been unaffected (Clarke 1986).
Since C. fluminea's estimated filtering rates in freshwater tidal Potomac exceeded those for zooplankton by an order of magnitude (Cohen et al. 1984); food limitation of zooplankton (the cladocerans Bosmina sp.; Daphnia sp.; the copepod Eurytemora affinis; etc.) is possible, but has not been documented to our knowledge.
Habitat Change - Among changes possibly caused by C. fluminea's high filtering rates in the Potomac are included: increased light penetration; resulting in regrowth of native submerged aquatic vegetation,; decreased downbay transport of phosphates on particles; disappearance of blooms of the blue-green alga Microcystis between 1983 and 1993; and changes in sediment composition due to deposition of pseudofeces (Phelps 1994). Regrowth of native and introduced submerged aquatic vegetation in turn has positively affected waterfowl and fish populations (Killgore et al. 1989; Perry and Deller 1996; Phelps 1994). Additional factors, such as reduction of nutrient inputs are likely involved in these ecosystem-level changes, and the relative importance of the C. fluminea invasion remains to be determined.
Food/Prey - A wide variety of fishes are known to eat C. fluminea, but many of these species are not native to the Chesapeake region. Among possible native predators are suckers (Catostomidae); and White Catfish and Bullheads (Amieurus spp.) Fishes of the same families are listed by McMahon (1983) as predators of C. fluminea. Corbicula fluminea is an important food source for the endangered Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostris and rare Atlantic Sturgeon A. oxyrynchus in the Delaware River (Horwitz 1986); and probably in the Chesapeake as well.
The crayfishes Cambarus bartoni (Appalchian Brook Crayfish, native) and Procambarus clarki (Red Swamp Crayfish, introduced) fed readily on C. fluminea 6-9 mm in size, but feeding rates were low relative to overall crayfish food intake and Corbicula biomass (Covich et al. 1981).
Five species of Chesapeake Bay ducks, Aix sponsa (Wood Duck), Anas clypeata (Northern Shoveler), Anas acuta (Pintail), Anas platyrhychos (Mallard), and Anas rubripes (American Black Duck) were found to be feeding on C. fluminea during 1973-76 (Perry 1981). Several additional species of diving ducks, known to feed on molluscs, Ring-Neck Duck (Athya collariformis), Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola), Canvasback (Athya vallisnerae), also increased in the freshwater tidal Potomac during the height of the Corbicula invasion (Phelps 1994).
Toxicity - While not inherently toxic, as very efficient filterers, C. fluminea accumulate toxicants in their tissue. C. fluminea could provide a new nutritious food source for waterfowl, but cause adverse effects on the birds by increasing body levels of toxicants (Perry 1981).
References - Clarke 1986; Cohen et al. 1984; Covich et al. 1981; Diaz 1994; Horwitz 1986; Killgore et al. 1989; Leff et al. 1990; McMahon 1983; Perry 1981; Perry and Deller 1996; Phelps 1994
Ecological Impacts on Other Chesapeake Non-Native Species
As a rapidly reproducing and spreading filter-feeder, Corbicula fluminea (Asian Freshwater Clam) has probably had impacts on exotic as well as native biota within the tidal fresh region of estuaries. The most important of these may be promotion of exotic submersed aquatic vegetation, through increased water clarity due to filtration (Phelps 1994).
Competition - The estuarine ranges of C. fluminea and Rangia cuneata (Wedge Clam) overlap (Diaz 1974; Diaz 1994; Jordan and Sutton 1984; Posey et al. 1993), so that competion for food and space is possible, but we have not found documentation of this.
Food/Prey - Among introduced species known to eat C. fluminea (mostly juvenile clams) are Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill), Lepomis microlophus (Redear Sunfish), Lepomis megalotis, Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp), Ictalurus punctatus (Channel Catfish), and Ictalurus furcatus (Blue Catfish) (McCrady 1990).
Habitat Change - Phelps (1994) argued that increased water clarity resulting from C. fluminea' s filtering facillitated the invasion of the Potomac River by Hydrilla verticillata in the 1980's (see 'Impacts on Residents'). Other introduced submerged aquatic vegetation, such as Myriophyllum spicatum (Eurasian Watermilfoil), Potamogeton crispus (Curly Pondweed), and Najas minor (Eurasian Water-Nymph), also would have benefited from these effects. Increased light penetration and vegetation growth, believed to be caused by C. fluminea's filtering (Phelps 1994), may have been responsible for increased fish populations (Killgore et al. 1989), including increased catches of Micropterus salmoides (Largemouth Bass) by sportsmen (Phelps 1994).
References - Diaz 1974; Diaz 1994; Jordan and Sutton 1984; Killgore et al. 1989; McCrady 1990; Phelps 1994; Posey et al. 1993
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Hornbach, Daniel J. (1992) Life history traits of a riverine population of the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea, American Midland Naturalist 127: 248-257
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Morton, Brian; Tong, K. Y. (1985) The salinity tolerance of Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculoidea) from Hong Kong, Malacological Review 18: 91-95
Nelson, S. Mark; McNabb, Cal (1994) New record of Asiatic clam in Colorado, Journal of Freshwater Ecology 9: 79
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